Democrats support international relief and the upper class donates to art? How opportunity, incentives and confidence affect donations to different types of charitable organizations.

This study is the first to investigate charitable giving to as many as 64 different organizations, predicting what type of charitable organization receives donations from which particular people. We test hypotheses with conditional logistic regression analysis, using the Giving in the Netherlands Panel Study (Nhouseholds = 1246; Norganizations = 64). We found that providing people with the opportunity to give increases donations, while which people will donate is conditional on the type of request made. Furthermore, we found some support for the argument that organizations receive more donations from people that have specific incentives (social status motives, religious and political values) to donate to these organizations. Finally, only organizations striving for difficult goals receive more donations from people with higher levels of confidence.
Onderwerpen: geven aan culturele instellingen geefkringen donateurs weldoeners
Auteur: prof. dr. Pamala Wiepking