De behoefte aan goed onderbouwde kennis over mecenaat is groot – niet alleen bij kunstenaars, culturele instellingen, gevers, beleidsmakers en de media, maar ook bij de groeiende groep studenten die jaarlijks op het thema afstudeert. Daarom biedt deze kennisbank een breed scala aan gepubliceerd onderzoek door wetenschappers verbonden aan Nederlandse universiteiten, en door masterstudenten die aan Nederlandse universiteiten zijn afgestudeerd. Nieuw onderzoek wordt voortdurend aan het platform toegevoegd. Er kan op verschillende manieren gezocht worden: via een zoekbalk in de linker-kolom, via het teksttype, de toegang, het onderwerp, de auteur en de taal.

Four lessons learned: Employees’ perceptions of fundraising via reward-based crowdfunding
An innovative way to support cultural institutions is through reward-based crowdfunding, an online funding mechanism for a specific project, which offers donors a reward for their donation. We explored employees’ perceptions of crowdfunding and focused on the question: “How do employees of cultural institutions running a crowdfunding campaign perceive the use of crowdfunding to collect…
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Beeld: The art of crowdfunding arts and innovation: the cultural economic perspective
The art of crowdfunding arts and innovation: the cultural economic perspective (Presented by Christian Handke and Carolina Dalla Chiesa ). The Cultural Economics Online Seminar (CEOS) was initiated in 2021 as a means to provide a forum to bring members of the ACEI community together during the COVID-19 pandemic. CEOS aims to provide a forum…
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Beyond the global boom: Private art museums in the 21st century
Contemporary art worlds across the globe have witnessed a private museum boom in the first two decades of the 21st century. Unlike traditional public museums, these museums are founded, governed, and financed by private individuals. Indeed, their main purpose is usually to make the private art collections of their founders accessible to the public on…
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At the juncture of funding, policy, and technology: how promising is match-funding of arts and culture through crowdfunding platforms?
Despite its ubiquity in arts and culture, crowdfunding has limitedly been instrumentalized in policy settings. Yet, with joint contributions by friends, fans, governments, and quasi-public institutions, match-funding of arts and culture through crowdfunding platforms may have benefits: increased revenues for makers and cultural fields, transparency in funding allocation, and stronger community engagement. Drawing upon interviews…
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The contribution of crowdfunding for philantropy: A systematic review and framework of donation and reward crowdfunding
Which novelties do donation- and reward-based crowdfunding bring to philanthropy? Scholars interested in crowdfunding contributed to developing empirical explanations on which features impact online giving. However, the focus on theory building is limited. We developed a theoretical framework by categorizing the empirical findings reported in 198 studies, which resulted in four crowdfunding features impacting giving:…
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Vrouwelijke muziekmecenassen in de Republiek der Nederlanden
De invloed van vrouwen op het muziekleven in de Republiek der Nederlanden (1579-1795) is veel groter dan tot nu toe altijd is aangenomen. Vrouwen speelden namelijk een substantiële rol in het ondersteunen van musici door middel van geld of bescherming. Muziekhistorica Veronica van Amerongen heeft dit ontdekt door onderzoek te doen naar onder andere opgedragen…
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Performing dedications. A contextual and artistic reflection on the dedication of the world’s first saxophone concerto
This article focuses on the first concerto for saxophone, written in 1902 by Belgian musician Paul Gilson and dedicated to the famous American amateur saxophonist Elise Hall. With both contextual and artistic arguments, Kurt Bertels wants to show that Hall did not order or perform the work herself, even though Gilson dedicated the concerto to…
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Scriptie: Discourses around the present day woman patron in the Netherlands: Agency and elitism
This thesis explores the discourse around the present day woman art patron in the Netherlands. With patronage becoming increasingly important for the art and culture sector and the lack of research regarding present day women patrons in the Netherlands, a discourse analysis was performed. Incorporating the results from the discourse analysis performed on the case…
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Scriptie: Thank you for your Donation, was it the Right Thing to do? A Study on Value Realization in the Cultural Sector Through Crowdfunding
This research aims to find out which values are realized in the relationship between donor and cultural organisation and to contribute to the knowledge on patronage relationships, and to value based cultural economics. The value based economics framework by Klamer will be used to research the following research question: what are the values that are…
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Beeld: De Staat van Mecenaat in samenwerking met Framer Framed
De culture of giving is in de afgelopen jaren steeds belangrijker geworden voor het financieren van culturele programma’s. Maar wie geeft er eigenlijk aan wie en waarom? En hoe staan private giften in verhouding tot publieke financiering? De staat van mecenaat was een eendaags symposium van Platform BK en Framer Framed over de veranderende rol…
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