Kennispunt Mecenaatstudies

culturele praktijk

Geven en werven in de culturele sector in Nederland, 2011-2020

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De cultuursector in Nederland werft steeds meer inkomsten uit particuliere bronnen en is steeds ondernemender, maar blijft sterk afhankelijk van overheidssubsidie. Dit blijkt uit een onderzoek van het Centrum voor Filantropische Studies van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam naar veranderingen in het geefgedrag en de inkomsten van culturele instellingen die geregistreerd zijn bij de belastingdienst als…

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Crowdfunding culture: Bridging Arts and Commerce

Crowdfunding is a novel fundraising model widely used by the cultural and creative sectors. Most literature focuses on quantitive success-factors and analyses. The richness of this phenomenon deserves other complementary approaches to uncover theoretical and empirical concerns. What do the fundraisers expect from crowdfunding? To which extent do these projects outreach communities and markets? How…

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Nog nooit werd er zoveel gelezen: Democratisering in de Nederlandse boekenwereld van de late jaren zestig tot de late jaren zeventig

This article discusses the attempts to democratise Dutch book culture in the late 1960s and the early 1970s. Insights from the history of books, from literary studies and from cultural policy studies are brought together, for a better understanding of the influence that authors can have on book policies and on book market developments. Three…

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Scriptie: Give to Give or Give to Gain? – A study into the motivations and expectations of private donors in the Netherlands

Cultural non-profit organisations are facing increasing pressure regarding their various financial support systems due to major crises, cutbacks in funding and the current COVID-19 crisis. Moreover, little is known about the giving-behaviour of private donors in relation to the Dutch cultural industries. The question addressed in this research is how the motivations and consequent expectations…

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