Kennispunt Mecenaatstudies


Lots of people give me money: Towards a comprehensive understanding of social information effects on donation behavior

How effective is sharing information with potential donors about previous donors’ donation amounts (that is social information) in affecting the donation behavior? Social information informs individuals about the behavior of others which can be used to increase individual donation amounts. If social information increases donations, why is that? In which situations is the effect of…

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Scriptie: Give to Give or Give to Gain? – A study into the motivations and expectations of private donors in the Netherlands

Cultural non-profit organisations are facing increasing pressure regarding their various financial support systems due to major crises, cutbacks in funding and the current COVID-19 crisis. Moreover, little is known about the giving-behaviour of private donors in relation to the Dutch cultural industries. The question addressed in this research is how the motivations and consequent expectations…

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Follow the crowd: Social information and crowdfunding donations in a large field experiment


Purposely guiding human decision making with a discrete suggestion, ‘nudging’, is increasingly popular. One particularly promising nudge is to provide decision makers with information about the decisions of others, also referred to as social information. Social information is often applied in fundraising campaigns to increase individual donations. A discrete suggestion such as the donation amount…

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Crowding-out or crowding-in: The dynamics of different revenue streams

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An important question in public economics is to what extent changes in government funding lead to changes in private donations. In this chapter we identify and summarize four theoretical perspectives answering this question: the micro-economic, institutional-political, institutional signaling, and organizational perspective. Reviewing the empirical support for each perspective, we find that none of the perspectives…

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Scriptie: Crowdfunding Backers Driven from Within? – A study of backer motivations in crowdfunding forum posts.

This thesis examines the motivations individuals may have for supporting cultural crowdfunding campaigns through the analysis of online forum posts. In a context where the cultural and artistic industries face uncertainty linked to diminished subsidies and subsequent reduced funds, considerations pertaining to new sources of funding are crucial, further stressing the need to better understand…

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From research to practice: implementing academic research on donor motivation to help fundraisers improve relationships with donors

How can fundraisers build stronger relationships with their donors? We argue that by better understanding why a donor chooses to make a donation, and why a donor donates to a specific charity, the quality of the relationship between donors and charities could be greatly improved. A current trend in marketing is hyper-personalisation: creating a personalized…

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