From Private to Public with the Help of Tax Incentives: How Tax Legislation Can Support Private Patronage of the Arts and Cultural Heritage
Private initiatives have always been very important for the arts and cultural heritage. Even though government is a major source of funding for cultural institutions in most European countries, private patronage always had a role to play. In recent years, several European governments have actively promoted private cultural patronage and introduced various tax incentives to…
Lees meerStadsdichterschap in de zeventiende eeuw. Jan Vos (1610-1667) en Amsterdam
In seventeenth-century Amsterdam, poets showed their commitment to their city by praising it, its council and its politics in poems and tableaux vivants. Supported by rich and powerful city regents who acted as patrons, some poets achieved the unofficial status of ‘poet laureate’ of Amsterdam. One of them was Jan Vos (1610-1667). As this article…
Lees meerGeven om te krijgen: literair mecenaat in Nederland tussen 1900 en 1940
Literair mecenaat is een verschijnsel dat doorgaans niet met de twintigste eeuw in verband wordt gebracht. In vrijwel al het onderzoek naar eerdere mecenaatsperiodes wordt gesteld dat de mecenas in de loop van de achttiende eeuw is uitgestorven. De opkomst van de literaire markt en het verval van de aristocratische macht zouden hem, zo menen…
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